
时    间:  常年
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活动标签:  金融/财经

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为促进中国与国际在保险、风险管理及精算科学等研究领域的交流与合作,清华大学经济管理学院中国保险与风险管理中心从2010年开始,每年在中国的不同城市,举办中国保险与风险管理国际年会(CICIRM)。迄今,已举办了四届,分别在中国的西安(2010年7月)、北京(2011年7月)、青岛(2012年7月)和昆明(2013年7月)等城市。第五届中国保险与风险管理国际年会(CICIRM2014)将于2014年7月23-26日在地处广东省深圳市的平安金融培训学院举办。此次会议的共同主办方伦敦城市大学卡斯商学院(Cass Business School,City University London)外,还有平安金融培训学院。 中国保险与风险管理国际年会是中国保险与风险管理领域唯一的国际性学术会议。通过这个平台,与会者可以现场聆听国际驰名专家的精彩演讲、与世界顶尖学者进行近距离交流、展示自己最新的学术研究成果、讨论当前该领域重要的理论与实践问题。

The 5th China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2014) will be held on July 23-26, 2014 at Ping An School of Financial Service in Shenzhen, China’s Guangdong Province. The conference was jointly organized by Tsinghua University’s China Center for Insurance and Risk Management (CCIRM) and the Cass Business School of City University, London, and hosted by Ping An School of Financial Service. Following upon the last four years’ successful meetings in Xining (July 19-22, 2010), in Beijing (July 24-27, 2011), in Qingdao (July 18-21, 2012), and in Kunming (July 17-20, 2013), CICIRM 2014 continues to launch an annual forum in China for international communication and cooperation in the studies of insurance, risk management, and actuarial science.
The CICIRM is the unique international conference in the field of insurance and risk management in China. CICIRM attendees will have the opportunity to hear from distinguished speakers, exchange ideas with leading international researchers, present recent academic and practical research in parallel sessions, and discuss the latest academic and practical research on current importance within the field of insurance, risk management and actuarial science. The Conference Proceedings have been accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) since 2011. The proceedings of CICIRM 2014 will continue to be published by Tsinghua University Press and submitted for indexing by CPCI.